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Sudan / Darfur

Stop the genocide!

Bolzano/Bozen, Göttingen, Berlin, 18. September 2006

The Society for Threatened Peoples International (GfbV) has asked the United Nations (UN) for support in Darfur. In view of the "Global Day for Darfur" (16-18.9.2006) and the opening day of the second session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the GfbV has appealed for a peace-keeping force with a "strong mandate" to be sent to the West Sudanese region. If necessary a peace-keeping force with a strong mandate has to be sent in this region even against the will of the Sudanese government. That is the only way to stop the genocide against the black African, Muslim population of West Sudan. According to the estimates of the GfbV-International and the international movement "Save Darfur", which the GfbV is also promoting actively, about 400,000 people have already been killed during this genocide.

At a press conference the GfbV presented a human rights report on the genocide in Darfur, which tabulates numerous detailed cases that clearly document the violations of the following articles of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 9 December 1948:

- Article II a), Killing members of the group [through bombing, single killings and massacres];
- Article II b), Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group [through torture and rape];
- Article II c), Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part [by destroying the existential means (villages, fields, poisoning wells), expulsion and abduction, refusal of famine relief, inadequate security in refugee camps, deaths of those fleeing, attacks on employees of relief organisations].

Time is pressing since Sudan's President General Omar Hassan Al Bashir has declared that he will force the troops of the African Union (AMIS) out of Darfur, so that, on October 1, one of his 10,500 men strong military forces can march into this region. The GfbV fears that, consequently, a new wave of mass murder will affect the civilian population in West Sudan. Over two million people have to vegetate in refugee camps far away from their homes being threatened by starvation and cholera. Meanwhile, the Sudanese air force has recommenced the civilian bombings using Russian Antonov planes.

The GfbV would like to recall the failure of the United Nations, the international community, the European Union, and the previous German government, as hundreds of thousands were killed in the genocides in Bosnia and Ruanda. As in the aftermath of the Holocaust, it was said "Never again". That is why the GfbV begs the media and the general public to overcome the indifference, and to stand more vigorously for the people in Darfur. The GfbV demands the International Court of Justice at The Hague (ICC) to bring charges against the war criminals, as well as the immediate withdrawal of the Sudanese army and the disarmament of the Arab militia and the unconditional opening up of the Darfur region for relief organisations, journalists and human rights experts. Moreover, the GfbV draws everyone's attention to the fact that the regime of General Al Bashir is responsible for the deaths of more than half a million people in the Nuba region, and that two million Africans have become victims of his arbitrary rule.

See also:
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