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Bolzano/Bozen, Göttingen, July 9, 2009
Action in Memory of the 8.376 victims
of Srebrenica, Berlin 2009.
In memory of the at least 8,376 victims of Srebrenica the
action artist Philipp Ruch of the "Zentrum für Politische
Schönheit" (the Political Beauty Centre) will be acting out
at the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin from 8^th to 10^th July 2009
at 8 p.m. the meeting of the Crisis Management Group of the
United Nations of 10^th July 1995.That was when it was decided to
hand over without resistance the UN Protected Zone of Srebrenica
in East Bosnia to the Serb troops and not to employ any UN troops
for the defence of the encircled Bosnian town.
During the final memorial service at 12 o'clock midday on
Saturday (11^th July), the anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica,
supporters of the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) and
Bosnian survivors of the genocide will be holding a banner 60
metres long with the names of those murdered. Simultaneously the
GfbV will be drawing attention to the fact that all German
political parties refused to agree to an intervention to end the
genocide. As a result the inhabitants of the European Olympian
town of Sarajevo had to suffer a daily bombardment for four
years. Tens of thousands of female prisoners suffered unbearable
maltreatment in Serb rape camps. The Serb concentration and
internment camps with more than 200,000 inmates were not opened
by force. Right from the outset of the war it was particularly
the British and French governments which supported the policies
of the Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Slobodan
The joint memorial service of the "Zentrum" and the GfbV will be
supported by the Bosniak Islamic Cultural Centre (IKB); the
Network for Culture and Science (ZZI) and Südost Europa
Kultur e.V. (South-east European Culture Society). The GfbV has
asked all chairpersons of the above parties to speak at the
memorial service.
Events in memory of Srebrenica in Berlin
8^th July 8 p.m.: Performance in the presence of the Bosnian
ambassador, Brandenburger Tor (Mittelinsel Pariser Platz)
9th and 10th July, 8 p.m. Performance at the Brandenburger
11^th July, 12 midday Performance in front of the German
Parliament and final Memorial address (Scheidemannstrasse, Hohe
The Massacre of Srebrenica 1995
On 11^th July 1995 troops of the Serb war criminal General Ratko
Mladic on the order of the then president of the Serb occupied
part of Bosnia, Radovan Karadžic', occupied the East Bosnian
town, which was cut off from the world. Tens of thousand Bosnian
civilians had fled there from the outlying villages. Under the
eyes of the Blue Helmets stationed in Srebrenica the soldiers
murdered tens of thousands of unarmed Bosnian Moslem boys and men
who had been separated from the women and children. Their corpses
were thrown into mass graves. To hide the traces they were often
dug up again and buried in graves for two or three.
275 mass graves have so far been discovered in the East-Bosnian
Drina Valley with the mortal remains of about 7000 Srebrenica
victims. About 6,200 of them have so far been identified. 3,307
identified victims were initially buried at the cemetery of the
Memorial Site in Potocari near Srebrenica, because after the
systematic destruction of the mass graves only parts of the
bodies were found. On 11^th July 2009 520 further identified
bodies were buried at Potocari.
The massacre of Srebrenica, which has been recognized as
genocide, is seen as the worst mass murder in Europe since the
end of the Second World War and the crimes following it. The
surviving widows, mothers, daughters and sisters of the murdered
people live today scattered throughout the world or in poverty in
Srebrenica 2009 - a town in abject
Of 37,211 inhabitants of the town of Srebrenica in 1991 72.88%
were Moslem Bosnians, 25.21% Serb-Orthodox and 1.91% other
Bosnians, mostly Roma. Today Srebrenica is a town in abject
poverty, dominated by the Serb criminals in the "ethnically
cleansed" Serb-controlled half of Bosnia. At least 810 persons
suspected of being war criminals occupy today, without let or
hindrance, public offices in the "Republika Srpska", which is
managed by Serbs. Ratko Mladic is still at large.
Only about 4,500 Moslem Bosnians - mostly widows and their
children - have returned to Srebrenica and the outlying 56
villages. Many of them have to make do in tumbledown shacks,
cellars or ruins. Only about 1,700 of the approximately 6,500
houses of the Bosnians have been rebuilt. The streets and the
supplies of electricity and water are destroyed. Many villages
are practically inaccessible in winter. The quality of the water
from the wells has not been tested to the present day. The
medical care of those who have returned is totally inadequate.
There is in Srebrenica only mobile medical aid - and that must be
paid for. International aid agencies have been withdrawn. Many
children have to walk for miles to get to school.
Four mothers' organisations of the survivors of Srebrenica try to
mobilise assistance for those who have returned. The chairperson
of the society "Srebrenica Mothers", Hatidza Mehmedovic, also
returned there in October 2002. She is the co-ordinator for the
GfbV. Her two teenage sons, her husband and other male members of
the family were victims of the massacre.
If you want to help the Srebrenica survivors - e.g. in form of a
sponsorship or training endowment - we shall be glad to put you
in contact with the German-speaking colleagues at the Sarajevo
office of the GfbV for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Just ring us up at
++49 (0)551 499 0616 or mail us at
The GfbV calls on the German government
- Declare the11th July as the Day of Remembrance of the Massacre
of Srebrenica
- Exercise pressure on Serbia to hand over the chief war criminal
Ratko Mladic to the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague.
- Support the attempts of the Bosnians to achieve a political
special status for the district of Srebrenica on the pattern of
the district of Brcko and assistance for persons returning and
for reconstruction projects.
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